Friday, January 18, 2008

Days Full of Fun!

The pictures below go along with the post about loving green. I thought I would post some pictures of warm days gone by. It made me feel excited for times to come! I cannot wait to go outside with a T-shirt! I am so excited to go for long walks and bike rides. It will be great!

Most of the pictures are from Spokane - my favorite place on the earth. I knew when I was there that it was special. Even giving birth seemed better just because we were there. You could run on the South Hill forever and it was so beautiful. The trees were amazing and huge. I miss them so much! It was just so great! I knew I wanted to stay there, for me it was magic. We had to leave for a job. One day we will go back and buy an old magical brick home on the South Hill. One of them by Manito Park - that would be my dream . . . someday. ;-) The longer I am away from it, the more I want to return. Spokane was my home. Spokane was MAGIC!!!!


  1. We wish you would come back to Spokane soon too! Tyler sure misses Sammi...he still asks about her. I know that you are waiting for the "green", but you have missed out on the most beautiful snow this winter that we have ever seen! It snowed nearly every day in December so the snow was always so clean and absolutely beautiful.

  2. I think it only snowed a handful of times while we were there for 3 years! I am sure it was beautiful on the trees. How is Tyler doing in first grade? He was quite the stud in Kindergarten! Sammi had to adjust to her new school and friends, but she is doing well. We sure miss Mr. Trimble though - to think I was worried about having a man as her first teacher! He was THE BEST! She went from him, a brand new teacher full of fun, to a woman who has been teaching at the same school for 30 years! I sure miss that school!

  3. Where are you guys living now? Oh, what we have to do for THE job...

  4. A few comments, now that I've caught up on your blog:

    We didn't get to ride those bumper boats at Riverfront Park. They weren't open yet when we moved. Bummer.

    I love the pic of Sammi and Daniel holding hands in the car. I love it when Julia and James do that!

    Again I have to say, you have such a pretty voice and it's a shame I've never heard you sing in person! I still want to see a picture of your piano.

    You are so amazing to walk to school EVERY day. I did really well at the beginning of the year, but I use the cold as an excuse ALL the time. I can't believe how much you do in the morning!! What time does school start?? Julia's starts at 8:00 sharp. I always get her there on time, but I let her sleep till 7:20 and then we just RUSH!!

    Julia has lost both her top teeth now. One is almost grown in, and the other just came out last week. Now she has a Sammi smile! We miss you guys! I wish we could get together somehow.



It is time to move on . . . apparently there is a limit to how many images you can put on your blog, and over 6 years, I have reached the l...