Saturday, July 14, 2012


It is time to move on . . . apparently there is a limit to how many images you can put on your blog, and over 6 years, I have reached the limit!

 From now on I will be blogging from: 

This blog will remain as my history of the past . . . but if you are interested in my future, follow me to my new blog site. 

See you there! 

Love, Mar

Monday, July 9, 2012

Henry's Blessing

Henry: Ruler of the House
Jones: Jesus has favored

Henry received his name and blessing yesterday, at church. It was beautiful. As I walked through the doors of the chapel, I quickly noticed our sweet friends from the Liberty ward -- they were lining the back rows. (We don't really have friends in our new ward, yet.) I seriously was not expecting anyone to show up, so I was surprised when they did! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR COMING! It meant so much to me. There is nothing like the family-feeling of the Liberty ward -- I miss it, a lot! My heart was full to see them come to show their love. I was also thrilled to have my parents there with us to enjoy the day. 

Charles did a lovely job on the blessing. One tradition we have is naming our kids something meaningful, and Charles uses that as part of the blessing.  Another tradition is Charles taking his time to give the blessing (his friends joked about working-out so their knees wouldn't buckle while holding the baby). At the end of the blessing, Charles does the "Lion King Hold" (holding the baby up high so everyone can see). It was weird to be in a new ward with unfamiliar people, except our friends that came -- but it was a wonderful blessing. It was a beautiful day. 

We spent the evening watching a thunderstorm, and singing around the piano. It was perfect. 

I think this is a cute picture -- except for that funny looking lady on the right. I was hesitant to even put the picture up, but hey, it is reality -- I have to face it. We will call this the "before" picture . . . "after" is coming in a few more postpartum months. (Don't you suddenly feel better about yourself, after looking at the chubbiness of me? Yeah, your welcome. That is why I posted it, so you could feel good about you! :-) ) Charles looks cute, though -- so proud. :-) The kids, well, they are the apples of my eye. 

Grandma and Grandpa with the grandchildren. Notice they are still wearing their missionary name tags. They have not been released, yet, so they have to be on their best behavior. :-) 

Henry is pondering the meaning of life
Sweet Baby

Sweet Sammi, otherwise known as Mommy #2
Cute girls
Henry had a diaper blow-out right as I was walking out the door to go to church. It was HUGE! But it seemed to do the trick, he was all mellow during the blessing. 

Love you baby Henry! So glad you are ours! 
(Sorry for the lame quality of the pictures, the camera was on a weird setting.) 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Time Has Come

Many people have asked me lately . . . and, yes, we are still in Boise. We just moved a little ways away from our other location. We are just renting a home for now . . . until we see what the future holds. My parents will be returning from their mission (tomorrow!) and they will be living with us for the foreseeable future. It is not out of desperation on either side, but a mutual agreement we made awhile ago. Are we nuts? Maybe. But we like nuts here. (Just not cashews, Daniel is allergic.) 

 I recall writing a post about all the things we had placed before us, just a few months ago. I was worried about how to make everything happen. (Refinancing our little house, renting it out, finding a house big enough for all of us, giving birth to a baby who needed surgery, finding a car, Charles changing business location, etc., etc. (There are lots of details in the etc.) Anyway, God works in miraculous ways . . . so many little pieces have fallen into place, and I have seen miracles happen. I don't believe we are being blessed for our sakes, but for my good parents -- who have served so faithfully. We are just the recipients by default, because they will be living with us. But I will take what blessings we can get! It has truly been a wonder to behold, how things "work out". 

I cannot wait for my parents to get here. I love them both so much. They are my best friends, next to Charles and my own kids. I still have so much knowledge to gain from my mother . . . now I get to have her by my side to learn it! And Charles loves my dad. Though my dad did not approve of Charles in the beginning -- I think my dad has come full-circle in his opinion of him now. :-) Charles and my dad are buddies. And funny enough, I think they were cut from the same cloth, when it comes down to it. (I married someone like my dad? Weird?!) And the grandkids, well, they are FREAKING OUT, they are SO EXCITED!! 

Some people may think we are crazy for having my parents live with us -- but if you know my parents, you know we are just plain lucky! 

The River

 The best things in life are free. 
Throwing rocks in the river, as a family, is one of those things. 

I love the height differences . . . 

Love it! 

Fun times!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

My Brother's Keeper

We went for a walk by the river, for Family Home Evening.
We made a stop by the candy store, where the kids got to use money from our loose change bucket. They each had about $3.00 in change. We let them choose whatever they wanted, as long as they kept it within their budget. They all did pretty good. They found some decent stuff. (The candy store can be pretty expensive.) We always make them go to the cashier themselves, so they can learn about money transactions. (I love it when they drop a bunch of random change in front of the cashier.) :-) 
After that, we headed for the river. . .
William was pretty tired, since it was getting late, he wanted to hold Daniel's hand. 
Daniel was happy to oblige. 
 It struck me that even after bickering over toys and having some not-so-nice moments together . . . they still loved each other at the end of the day. 
 How cool is Daniel . . . a 9 year old boy, willing to hold his brother's hand. :-) 
And then William got really tired, and thirsty, and he could not walk any more. So Daniel offered his back . . . for a LONG time!! 
He was really strong, and did not complain about carrying the extra burden on his back -- though it was obviously very hard. 
Am I my brother's keeper . . . ?

Way to go Daniel!

These are the moments that make a mother's heart soar. These are the moments I cherish over ANY OTHER accomplishment that they might master in life. If they love each other, THAT is the greatest accomplishment of ALL!! 

Monday, June 25, 2012

New Calling

I was just called as a Relief Society teacher. 

This is the 
Best. Calling. Ever. 
(Besides Young Women's.) 

It is actually what I was doing before we left our Liberty Ward. I am excited about it.  I love to teach, and I especially love to teach the ladies. Should be fun! 

Now to find someone to hold the baby . . . Mom?? :-) 

(Unlike the picture, I will be teaching in English. )


 I sure love having Baby Henry around. 
He brings out the best in all of us. And he makes us giggle. :-) 
(Sorry for the image quality, these were moments captured by iPhone.) 
Here he is as a Rapunzel Baby (That is my hair)

 Such a sweet face . . . getting nice and chubby. All his baby acne is gone and you just want to suck his cheeks off! :-) 
I think this picture looks like my brother's baby, Scooter. 
 Can you guess what he is doing?? 
When he poops, he POOPS!! It is hilarious to watch! 
 It was so cute . . . Sammi put a balloon in his hand, and he held onto it for a long time. 
My visiting teacher loves to hold him during Relief Society class. Yesterday, he barfed down her shirt. :-) 
Babies are the best! We love you Henry!


It is time to move on . . . apparently there is a limit to how many images you can put on your blog, and over 6 years, I have reached the l...